Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Comprehensive Brainetics Review

Hi Lisa here,

Thank you for visiting my blog, I am 47 years old and I have 2 Lovely children. I hope to provide my visitors and readers with a comprehensive Brainetics Review for the product created by Mike Byster.

The human brain is amazing, and it can do so many tasks, such as memorizing and processing information. In order to harness its full potential, one needs to be aware of a number of tips and tricks. These can be provided with the Brainetics Program. In this comprehensive Brainetics review we shall be outlining the main pros and cons of this program, so as to provide you with a better idea of what this learning kit is all about.

Basically this kit is made up of a set of 5 DVDs, a set of 52 flashcards, a playbook, a deck of playing cards, and a parental guide. In fact it is worth noting that this program is also ideal for children who are 9 years or older, and for adults of all ages.

The Brainetics program is designed in such a way that it will train the user's mind to work more efficiently. This is achieved by improving the brain's storage and processing capacities, so as to ultimately gain from an increased mental capacity. Thus, the brain will become more powerful.

Thanks to Brainetics, the individual will learn to filter the information, so as to focus on the most important data. This program will also help to improve key learning skills, such as focusing, concentrating, improved memory and better problem solving.

This has also been something that leads consumers to think that the teaching methods are not great for learning as it may disable them to think outside of the box, which may hinder their relations and creativity in the future. I buy and compare programs and in the process find it’s a bit expensive I admit. I have recently found a more cheaper alternative which works just as great!

Although these advantages of the Brainetics program seem really appealing, there have been a number of negative reviews made as well. There are people who believe that it is best to let kids learn these skills naturally at school. This is especially important for maths skills. There have been plenty of people who felt that this program made the brain function like a calculator. Many claim that it is too good to be true, and it is best to allow the brain to evolve naturally, rather than forcing any program on it.

What I have found personally is that we are programmed to think and learn either way and it might as well be a way that will benefit our children to pass their Maths classes. A fast and accurate way to calculate numbers in your head will always be beneficial in the real world in general. I have since tried another program I got which is cheaper and is about the same so I would now have to say it’s what i would recommend as it does the same as Brainetics however very affordable. The value you get is so much more too and you can receive it instantly. If you have the extra money to splash then that’s fine, but in hindsight I think it was a bit hyped up and marked up too much from the Info TV ads.

I hope this review has helped you make a decision if Brainetics is right for your child because I was on the fence before I purchased and now I hope to help others in my place to be more informed and confident in their investment with their child’s education and future.

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